18 Feb Slave Being A Mazik
In Shmos 21:35 we learn about a scenario regarding an ox that gores another person’s ox and the second animal dies. The gemara in Bava Kama 4a says that the...
In Shmos 21:35 we learn about a scenario regarding an ox that gores another person’s ox and the second animal dies. The gemara in Bava Kama 4a says that the...
Delineating the various religious manuals delivered at Har Sinai, the Torah mentions the luchot or tablets containing the Ten Commandments, and a Sefer Torah containing the word of God and...
RAGE THERAPY A man walks into a bar. He calmly orders a drink and proceeds to abruptly pick up his glass and hurl it at the shocked bartender. After a moment of...
In his opening comment on the parsha, Rashi points out (quoting the tana’im) that the correct location of the Sanhedrin is in the Beis Hamikdosh. The particular room (known as...
I. ALL THE KING’S HORSES When you give someone food, it shouldn’t be broken. Sometimes a slice or section of food is considered prepared but generally speaking, in halachah, a piece...
Parashat Mishpatim begins with the law of the “Ebed Ibri,” or indentured servant. The situation of “Ebed Ibri” is one where a thief is caught but does not have the...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column. I look forward to reading it each week in The Jewish Vues. Here is my issue. At what point should a person start...
Almost a decade ago, a mispalel of K’hal Nachlas Yitzchok - under the leadership of Horav Sekula shlit”a, pondered over an idea: “How can we engage yeshiva boys to spend...
By no stretch of the imagination is Newark, New Jersey, the epicenter of the Torah world. Yet for one evening, the city of Newark hosted the most significant celebration of...
During Mattan Torah Bnei Yisroel died after hearing Hashem speak. They then came back to life. Were the men required to re-marry their wives when they came back from death?...