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    In Shemos 4:19 Hashem commanded Moshe to return to Mitzrayim because the people who tried killing him were dead. Since Dasan and Aviram lost their money and were considered dead,...

    Cast iron cookware: Does it really need a hechsher? Absolutely!: If it’s pure cast iron and it doesn’t have anything else on the pots or pans, then it doesn’t need a...

    The Mishna (Pesachim 116a) records the observance of the mitzvah of “sippur yetzias mitzrayim” on the first night of Pesach. “ Arami oveid avi” (normally recited in connection with the...

    The birth of Moshe represents a turning point of the Jewish saga in Egypt. This would-be savior is arrived as the Jewish slaves are being mercilessly crushed by Egyptian oppression....

    I. CREATING HOLINESS Every week, we utilize one of the greatest human powers even though it has no tangible effect. God created the world for six days and then rested on...