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    Top 3 ingredients in a good politician. Emuna, Meserat Nefesh, Smart Name a person ALIVE that you never met, that you would like to meet? Donald Trump If you could meet with Rabbi Meir...

    The blessing of Es Tzemach, where we Daven for salvation, is the fifteenth bracha of Shemone Esrei. Perhaps we can say that the number fifteen hints to Hashem’s Name Y-ah [a yud and a hei], which has the...

    It is a good omen to finish a sefer on a positive note, but Chumash Bereishis doesn’t seem to end positively. The final words of the sefer are (50:26) “Yosef was niftar at the age of one hundred ten...

    Parashat Vayehi begins with Yaakob Abinu summoning Yosef and asking, “Please do not bury me in Egypt.” Yaakob had Yosef promise on oath that he would bring his remains back to the Land of Israel, rather than...

    Pashas Vayechi. The closing of Sefer Bereishis. The end of an era. “Vayikrivu yemei Yisroel lamus, When the end of Yisroel’s (Yaakov) life approached, Vayikra l’vno, l’Yosef, he called upon his son, Yosef. (Bereishis 47:29)....

    A BRIBE FOR YOUR PROFESSOR A professor was giv- ing a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over,...

    Our shul recently hosted Bret Stephens, the Pulitzer Prize- winning journalist and foreign affairs expert. In his talk, he referenced a column he wrote for the New York Times reflecting on the atrocity of October 7th titled, “For America’s...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 large apples peeled, cored and sliced into rounds 1 cup flour 1 beaten egg Pinch of salt 1 tablespoon oil 1 tablespoon brandy 3 tablespoons sugar 3/4 cup milk DIRECTIONS: I remember growing up and waiting for my Oma to make...