The haftorah for Shabbos Hagadol is the concluding parsha in Trei Osor. When Shlomo Hamelech built the first Beis Hamikdosh, he already knew that it would be destroyed. According to...
The haftorah for Shabbos Hagadol is the concluding parsha in Trei Osor. When Shlomo Hamelech built the first Beis Hamikdosh, he already knew that it would be destroyed. According to...
INGREDIENTS: 3 pounds chicken cutlets, butterflied 10 frozen basil cubes 5 frozen garlic cubes 1/2 cup olive oil Salt and pepper to taste This simple delicious recipe is great for Pesach but also at any time during...
INGREDIENTS: 8 chicken thighs 2 large onions, chopped 1 tablespoon oil 1 tablespoon salt 1/2 tablespoon onion powder 1/2 tablespoon paprika 1 cup water DIRECTIONS: Directions for the Chicken Preheat oven to 300° F. Line the bottom of a roasting pan...
The seventh chapter of Kings II (related to the theme of the Haftorah of Metzora), tells a fascinating story, about the “four lepers.” The story takes place during the First Temple...
Given the current price per pound, it sure doesn’t feel like Matzah is lechem oni, the bread of the poor person. This year, 200,000 pounds of handmade shmurah matzah were...
I am puzzled by our practice of reciting a separate bracha on each cup of wine. Ordinarily, when I recite a blessing on one cup of wine, I do not...
At the Seder, we celebrate the anniversary of being chosen by Hashem to be his special people. Thus we eat an egg, which, amongst other things, symbolizes the birth of...
Parashiyot Tazria and Mesora speak at length about the subject of Sara’at, the skin infection that would be suffered by those guilty of the sin of Lashon Ha’ra – negative...
Many people are not familiar with the halachos of shaimos. The problem with the volume of shaimos, only developed fairly recently with the advent of cheap, commonly utilized printing methods....
Is there such a thing as too much inspiration? Intuitively, our answer would likely be an emphatic “Absolutely not!!!!” We can always use some more inspiration, right? But I think there is...