The whole ceremony of Parah Adumah [Red Heifer] is the q u i n t e s s e n t i a l chok [mitzvah-decree with no apparent reason]. Rashi cites the Medrash that the Satan and...
The whole ceremony of Parah Adumah [Red Heifer] is the q u i n t e s s e n t i a l chok [mitzvah-decree with no apparent reason]. Rashi cites the Medrash that the Satan and...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I’ve recently dated a guy four times, and I’m not sure what to do. I find him interesting to speak with, we have a good time on...
The Mutiny The narrative is dramatic, tragic, and unmistakably Jewish. Four individuals -- Korach, Dasan, Aviram, and On son of Peles -- lead a mass mutiny against Moshe, the leader of the Jewish people, and his brother Aaron, the...
We read in Parashat Korah of the group assembled by Korah to challenge Moshe’s authority. They accused Moshe of nepotism, that he unfairly granted the exclusive post of Kohen Gadol to his brother, Aharon. Moshe responded by inviting...
Can one use a BBQ grill for both milchig and fleishig by changing the grate? Changing the grate would be inadequate. The bottom of the grill also becomes fleishig and so changing the grate wouldn’t do...
Rebbe Dovid Lelover zt’l said: If Korach knew that he can serve Hashem from behind the oven [where the simple Yidden used to sit] and his avodah will be as precious as the avodah of the kohen gadol,...
The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made the shidduch between Adom and Chavah. The Chozeh from Lublin is...
Parashat Korah tells the story of the quint- essential mahaloket – fight. The story is that of the rebellion led by Korah, who set out to challenge the authority of Moshe Rabbenu. Learning this story can teach us...
During many eras in Jewish history, Jews converted to other religions, whether due to physical, financial or social pressure or otherwise. Many of these wayward Jews returned to the Jewish community, sometimes after escaping the country. While a Jew who...
INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 stick melted margarine. 1 cup vegan sour cream. 2 eggs Zest and juice of 1 lemon 3 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup soy milk 4 cups fresh blueberries CRUMB...