Let me share with you how it all started between Miriam Libby and me. My Hebrew birthday is the 12th of Av. On my 21st birthday I went to my...
Let me share with you how it all started between Miriam Libby and me. My Hebrew birthday is the 12th of Av. On my 21st birthday I went to my...
The Tur in Orach Chaim, siman resh samech zayin tells us that when we daven Maariv on Shabbos we don’t finish the bracha of Hashkiveinu with the words of Shomer...
INGREDIENTS: Five apples sliced - any variety- I like to mix Granny Smith and Macintosh 1 cup orange juice Five eggs Quarter cup oil Three-quarter cup sugar Cinnamon Quarter teaspoon vanilla 1 cup matza meal Apple kugel is a...
Last week, we pondered the question of why the sages chose to call the megillah Megillas Esther instead of Megillas Mordechai v’Esther or Megillas Purim. An interesting reason for the choice of this name...
Premature Breakfast On Purim morning, are we allowed to eat breakfast? The answer is not so much a matter of food but of priorities. On Purim, we observe a...
The posuk in Shemos, Perek Lamed, posuk yud gimmel says that every Jew who was to be counted needed to give half a shekel. The Alshich says in the name of Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz that there...
Born: March 27, 1993 (age 24) in Cheyenne, Wyoming Ht/Wt: 6’ 3”, 206 lbs. Drafted: by the Mets in the first round of the 2011 Major League Baseball draft. Baseball America ranked Nimmo among the top...
Who doesn’t love chocolate chips? This pie is like a big gooey chocolate chip cookie. So easy to make and delicious. You can easily double the recipe – it freezes beautifully. INGREDIENTS: 1 stick margarine - softened 1 cup sugar ó...
I. CREATING HOLINESS Every week, we utilize one of the greatest human powers even though it has no tangible effect. God created the world for six days and then rested on...
Hamantaschen is something you should definitely have fun with. Experiment with different fillings, be creative – see some of our ideas below. INGREDIENTS: Fillings: Apricot, Prune, Raspberry Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Lemon Curd, Smores –...