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    In the beginning of parshas Shemos, the posuk says, “… Shemos Bnei Yisroel habonim – The names of the Jewish People who came.” The Baal Haturim revealed that the first letter of these four words spells shevi’ah, which means captivity. And...

    The parsha tells us (Shemos 12:38) that when Bnai Yisroel left Mitzrayim a tremendous group of converts left with them. The Midrash explains that this was Moshe Rabbeinu’s original idea; Hakodosh Boruch Hu did not instruct him to gather these...

    Parashat Bo tells us of G-d’s commands to Beneh Yisrael regarding the Korban Pesah – the paschal sacrifice which they offered on the night of the Exodus, before they left Egypt. G-d commanded Moshe to instruct the people to...

    The obligation to recite one hundred berochos daily is very relevant to our daily lives. Many schools have adopted programs to teach children all about this mitzvah. What is this...

    The letters of of one, אל-הים the Names of Hashem, can be rearranged – מי אלה spell to “who are these?” These two arrangements of the letters represent two different ways we can look at the world and at things...

    Chaim Walder broke onto the scene in 1993 with his first best-selling book, “Yeladim mesaprim al atzmam” (“Children Talk About Themselves”), translated into English as “Kids Speak.” The series was...

    I. The Cemetery in Lvov  A kohen is obligated to protect his sanctity from the impurity of a dead body. Part of this obligation requires him to avoid being under the...

    “Bo el Pharaoh.” (Shemos 10:1)  “Bo” is understood in this context to mean “to go”, as HaShem is instructing Moshe to go to Pharaoh and plead on behalf of the Jewish...

    Tefillin  The end of this week’s parashah discusses the mitzvah of tefillin. The Yid HaKadosh of Peshischa zt’l said, “If I would think that it would be good for simple people...