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    There are some childhood memories that one never forgets. Memories that remain etched in your heart and soul. Memories that even years later can be seen in your mind’s eye. For me, one such...

    Everyone is aware that the High Holiday period between Rosh HaShannah and Yom Kippur is a period of judgment (Din). However, not everyone is aware that the Ari z”l and the Shaloh HaKodesh write that there is judgment...

    There is a widespread custom to remain awake on Shavuos night to learn Torah. This custom spawns many halachic queries. Why should we stay up learning on Shavuos night? What...

    There are many myths and mistakes regarding the great event of Matan Torah. Some of those myths were adopted from artists own renditions of this monumental event based on their own interpretations, whereas some are simply mistakes of people. Here are...