04 Jul Well Protected
The Gemara in Sotah, daf chof alef, amud alef says that learning Torah is a protection for a person and saves a person. The Gemara in Sukka, daf nun bais...
The Gemara in Sotah, daf chof alef, amud alef says that learning Torah is a protection for a person and saves a person. The Gemara in Sukka, daf nun bais...
We know that some women are into jewelry. The Ben Ish Chai, Zt”l, Zy”a, informs us that Mrs. Korach was one such woman. He relates that she would adorn herself...
Generally speaking, a busy rabbi is not allowed to drink alcohol even though most other Jews may freely partake within reason. The Torah (Lev. 10:8-11) forbids priests from ruling on...
One of the beauties of learning Torah is that, if you apply yourself, you will see new things each time you study over-again any subject of the Torah for the...
Anybody familiar with the summer camping experience is aware of the lack of space in most bunkhouses. I therefore would like to discuss the topic of food that is kept...
Functional Jewelry From the time of its development in the sixteenth century until the rise of wristwatches after World War I, pocketwatches were the most common type of watch. The...
Since we Boruch Hashem made a wedding this week I wanted to discuss the inyan of Sheva Brachos. What is the halacha if someone who is given the kibbud of saying...
One of the great personalities of the Jewish people was Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, the Kedushas Levi, Zt”l, Zy”a. I would like to share with you, my dear readers,...
Around Chanukah time, we expect to see articles explaining why electric menorahs are invalid for the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles. However, a variation of that type of menorah raises...
I. Rashbash and Chumra Religious life tends toward conservatism, retaining the practices and rhythms of prior years. New stringencies are often derided as fanaticism, an offensive rejection of earlier generations’ religiosity....