24 Mar Matzah- The Food of Emunah
The Torah mentions several times that the purpose of all the miracles connected with Yetziat Mitzrayim was to demonstrate the existence of God, his power, and all the principles of...
The Torah mentions several times that the purpose of all the miracles connected with Yetziat Mitzrayim was to demonstrate the existence of God, his power, and all the principles of...
My dear readers! Ext r a o r d i n a r y times give way to extraordinary opportunities. The Gemora teaches us that four types of people are...
A NEW WORLD G-d caught almost everybody off guard. A tiny microorganism, the size of 125 n a n o m e t e r s , turned the world upside...
What koolas can you offer us when preparing for Pesach this year if someone is worried that the food will run out because of the situation? Should people buy their...
While we have lived through multiple pandemics (SARS, Ebola, AIDS to name a few), most of us have not experienced it as personally and directly as we are with Coronavirus....
During the past few weeks, we have all prayed as never before. Most of us have been precluded from attending our normal houses of prayer but, none the less, the level of fervor and passion with which...
Its official, no more schools until after Pesach… Friends reached out for advice on how to deal with the situation. Here are some tips for when you are stuck with your...
QUESTION OF THE WEEK: This coronavirus thing has really thrown me. I feel like I’ve lost all sense of certainty. No one knows what will happen next. How do we stay...
Dear friends, It’s hard to even remember how we got here; it’s been a whirlwind. But here we are! Most of us are in a state of confusion. The more we know, the less we seem to...