Describing the painstaking trial-and-error process that eventually led to the creation of the incandescent light bulb, prolific inventor Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I have merely found 10,000...
Describing the painstaking trial-and-error process that eventually led to the creation of the incandescent light bulb, prolific inventor Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I have merely found 10,000...
I. Reasons for Mitzvos Everyone fulfills commandments at some point, even if only incidentally. But can the actions of an atheist or other non-believer count as mitzvos, as fulfillments of the...
Does the dill that is used in Jarred pickles and given a hechsher by the OU get checked for bugs or does it not require to be checked? When we give...
“He was named Noach, saying this one will ease our work, and bring us rest from the toil of our hands….” (Bereishis 5:29) Parents have dreams and aspirations for their children....
There are many halachos that apply to fish, such as what beracha is recited on fish sticks, breaded fish, and gefilte fish. In addition, why do we eat fish on...
The Gemara (Menachos 53:) states, “Why is the Jewish nation compared to an olive? The olive tree never sheds its leaves, not in the summer and not in the winter....
INGREDIENTS: 24 ounces salmon fillet 1 each of a red, green yellow, and orange bell pepper 1/2 large red onion 4 Tbsp olive oil Salt and pepper Lemon DIRECTIONS: Eat the rainbow is a saying that helps remind us to eat...
INGREDIENTS: Poppyseed Dressing 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 1 garlic clove 1 1/2 tablespoons poppyseeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons light mayo 1/3 cup olive oil DIRECTIONS: For parshas noach try a delicious rainbow layered salad. You can...
After the flood, Hashem makes a promise to Noah and all his descendants that He would never again flood the earth. He showed Noach a rainbow in the sky that...
Rav Herzog on the Comparison of Torah to a Song The verse from which we derive the mitzvah to write a Sefer Torah [Devorim 31:19] says “And now write for yourselves...