The Shulchan Aruch in siman taf peh zayin, seif daled writes that we recite the complete Hallel with a bracha at the beginning and end of the first night of...
The Shulchan Aruch in siman taf peh zayin, seif daled writes that we recite the complete Hallel with a bracha at the beginning and end of the first night of...
I. BELIEF AND KNOWLEDGE Pesach is often called Chag Ha-Emunah, the holiday of faith or, more accurately, belief. But what is belief and how do we acquire it? A better understanding...
Preparations bombard us as we head towards Pesach. Scouring the house to eradicate chometz, taking down the dishes, selling the chometz to the Rav, buying dresses and suits for the...
What could be better than delicious brownies loaded with mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. These brownies are easy to make and really don’t taste like pesach cake. They are moist and yummy. Enjoy! INGREDIENTS: 1/2...
Name: Gregory Paul Bird Born: November 9, 1992 (age 25) in Memphis, Tennessee Position:First baseman Height: 6’ 3” Weight: 220 lbs Debut: 8/13/2015 How are you feeling these days? Great. Both physically & mentally, I’m feeling...
WHAT IS FREEDOM? I. FREEDOM OF THE WILL Pesach is the holiday of freedom, when God redeemed us from slavery. But has that freedom continued with us, even after we...
The Torah teaches us in Vayikra, Perek Heh, posuk chof gimmel that one is required to return a stolen object. A person who has stolen something that is not his,...
Last week, I reminisced with you about my courtship with my Rebbetzin. Let me share with you how one of the Gedolei Yisroel played a pivotal role in our eventual...
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 lb. matza farfel 1/2 c oil 1/2 c brown sugar 1/2 stick butter/margarine 1/2 c water 1/2 c chopped almonds 1 tsp cinnamon Craisins to taste Chocolate chips to taste Cut up dried fruit to taste Melt butter/margarine with oil,...
Laws about gun control serve as perpetual fuel for political debates. However, everyone agrees that some people should carry guns in some circumstances. Whether police officers or soldiers, on duty...