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    I. Employment and Slavery The issue of drafting Israeli yeshiva students into the IDF is a perennial political topic. I would like to discuss a related topic but without any political connection. In order to survive, a country has...

    Have No Regrets When You Offer Your Thanksgiving Offering In addition to the mitzvos of the Kehunah, this week’s Parsha contains some of the mitzvos which pertain to Korbonos. The pasuk [verse] states “If you will bring a Thanksgiving...

    The tfilah Elokai N’ztor continues with, “V’chol hachosh’vim alai ra’ah, meheirah hafeir atzasam v’kalkeil machashavtam – All those who plot evil against me, may their plans be quickly foiled and their machinations be ruined.” The Avudraham beautifully explains that this...

    Ever since the State of Israel came into existence, there has been a debate whether or not to recite Hallel on Yom Ha’atzma’ut. We will discuss the reasoning of those who feel it should be recited and the majority opinion...