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    In the early 20th century, universities in America, including elite Ivy league schools, imposed a Jewish quota, denying many qualified and worthy applicants’ entry, simply because they were Jewish. For example, A. Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard University from 1909-1933,...

    Sheya Mendlowitz, a music producer whose work heavily influenced the landscape of Jewish music for four decades, was niftar this past Friday, 12 Cheshvan, 5784. He was 61 years old. A trailblazer and visionary in the music industry,...

    Parashat Vayera begins with Avraham Avinu sitting outside his tent during the heat of the day, looking out for guests. Avraham at this time was reeling from his berit milah, which he had performed just days earlier....

    The Be’er Mayim Chaim (Noach) discusses how s u p e r n a t u r a l miracles happened to Avraham, but not to Noach. Avraham threw the earth, and it was transformed into weapons. He was thrown into...