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    Rabbi Haim Palachi (Turkey, 1788-1869), in his work Mo’ed Le’kol Hai (chapter 30), discusses a number of different laws and customs relevant to the month of Shevat. He begins by establishing that the theme of this month...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I don’t know what to do! I’m 21, have returned from seminary and have completed 2 years of college.. My parents, friends and family are all pressuring...

    For thousands of years people have engaged in inappropriate behaviors. Our evil inclination was given to us when we were born. However, in years past if one sinned or committed a misdeed, it did not cause him to go off the...

    In 1438, a great meeting of German rabbis was convened in Nuremberg during which the rabbis issued a number of communal enactments. During Shabbos davening, R. Nosson of Eiger, a senior rabbi who had taught many of the rabbis...

    Parashat Vaera tells of the process of Yetziat Mitzrayim, how Hashem punished the Egyptians until Pharaoh finally let Beneh Yisrael leave. This story is all about freedom, about our ancestors’ release from the chains of bondage and being...

    INGREDIENTS: 3 large carrots, chopped 2 large onions, chopped 1 package meat bones 1 package whole Grunkern 12 qts chicken broth Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS: Do you have a memory of food from your youth? I have so many - including...

    In this all-encompassing sixteenth blessing, we ask Hashem, “Shema koleinu – Listen to our voices.” In his sefer Beis Elokim, the Mabit explains that we choose to say the words our voices, to ask Hashem that even if...