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    Unfortunately, in the last two weeks, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased 16 percent across the nation and coronavirus is still wreaking havoc across the world causing much of Italy to go...

    The Torah tells us that when our mother, Sara, died Avraham refused to bury her in the general municipal cemetery. He insisted on designating a separate location as kever yisroel....

    Parashat Chayei Sarah tells of the death of our matriarch Sarah, Avraham’s wife. Sarah was originally named “Sarai,” and only later (Bereishit, chapter 17) did G-d change her name to...

    In Parshas Chaya Sarah we can study all about shidduchim. One of the primary lessons is to know that shidduchim are arranged by Hashem. It’s not because I chose, or...

    Avraham’s revolution had begun to gain traction. He traversed the promised land, participating both in wars as well as in diplomacy, all the while disseminating awareness about a one G-d....

    INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 4 (6-oz) salmon fillets, patted dry with paper towels Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp. butter 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 c. halved cherry tomatoes 2 c. baby spinach 1/2...

    A SPECIAL COLUMN FOR THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MURDER OF R’ KAHANE It has been 30 years since the murder of Rabbi Kahane. A special column about the leader for...