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    The Megillah mentions on several occasions that Mordechai sat ךלמה†רעשב– “at the king’s gate.” Apparently, he would frequently sit by the gate to the king’s palace. But we must wonder...

    “Ma’aseh avos siman l’bonim. The deeds of our forefathers are a sign for the children.” (Midrash Tanchuma, Parshas Lech Lecha) Radak understands it to mean that our ancestors’ actions transmit lessons...

    Purim In the times of the Baal Shem Tov, there was a drought. The Baal Shem Tov advised his students to go to a certain drunkard and ask him to pray...

    Children of all ages eagerly anticipate the moment on Purim when the ba’al koreh mentions Haman’s name. They bang on the floor and tables, shoot popguns, and indulge in all...

    Is one permitted to bathe, take a haircut or listen to music on Taanis Esther? The Meiri (Sefer Magen Avos 23) writes that Taanis Esther is different than other communal...