29 Dec The True Litmus Test of Our Spirituality
At the end of Yakov Avinu’s life, he revealed to Yosef, “Re’o fonecha lo filalti, v’hinei her’ah osi Elokim gam es zarecha – To see your face I had not...
At the end of Yakov Avinu’s life, he revealed to Yosef, “Re’o fonecha lo filalti, v’hinei her’ah osi Elokim gam es zarecha – To see your face I had not...
The medrash points out that the bracha which Avraham granted his son Yitzchak revolved around the verb, “natan” (“Vayiten Avraham et kol asher lo leYitzchak”). Therefore, years later when Yitzchak...
Mike Esmond, owner of a construction company in Gulf Breeze, Florida, wrote a check this month for $7,600 to pay off overdue utility balances for 114 residents of his city....
To Atone for the Unkown Rebbe Yitzchok of Vorke said, “People say that Shovavim atones for the infamous sins [of inyanei kedusha]. I say that Shovavim atones for sins that...
I. Special Power of Learning Torah We have not offered the Temple sacrifices in nearly 2,000 years but we continue fulfilling those mitzvos through our ongoing study of their laws. Does...
In Bereishis 47:28 the posuk tells us how long Yaakov lived in Mitzrayim. It tells us he lived for 17 years in Mitzrayim and his total lifetime was 147 years....
Q: Is there a way I can use the toaster oven at work to heat up food? A: If you double wrap your food in silver foil, you may use your...
The Torah tells in Parashat Vayechi of the blessings Yaakov bestowed upon his children before his passing. Surprisingly, even before he assembles his sons to bless them, he confers a...
Covid-19 has changed everything. The past year has produced a seismic shift in almost every aspect of our lives and will continue to shape our identity for years to come....
Dear Rabbi and Shira Someone suggested to me that I should write to the two of you. Although, I’m not sure what my questions are. I started seeing a girl only two...