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    The weeks pass, the war continues. The hostages – men, women, children, babies – still have not come home. Our hearts ache just thinking of them in the Gehinnom of Gaza. So many lives...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I hope you can answer this question for me. My boyfriend and I are really struggling with this issue and we can’t seem to get an...

    The Mitzvah There is a great mitzvah for one to be involved with making shidduchim between a boy and girl. Hashem was the first shadchan in the world who made the shidduch between Adom and Chavah. The Chozeh from Lublin is...

    A few weeks ago, we discussed the debate between Rav Shaul Yisraeli and Rav Shlomo Goren regarding the siege of Beirut. As mentioned, on August 6th, 1982, then Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Shlomo Goren published an article in...

    One of the most famous passages in Rashi’s commentary to the Humash is found in the beginning of Parashat Hayeh-Sarah. The Torah tells us that Sarah Imenu lived 127 years, and then repeats, “these were the years of...

    There are many fascinating secrets hidden in Biblical Names and here are two intriguing examples from this week’s parsha Chayei Sorah. The Torah tells us about Efron HaChiti. Here was a man who made it into the Torah for...

    Chazal tell us, “Who is wealthy? He who is satisfied with his lot.” That is true wealth. As we wrote, “Hashem blessed Avraham with everything.” The Midrash states that “everything” means Hashem showed Avraham the mitzvah of succah. What is the meaning of this Midrash? Why...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 lbs pargiot diced salt, pepper, onion, garlic and paprika Olive Oil 1 cup orzo 2 cups chicken broth juice of one lemon 5 ounces spinach DIRECTIONS: 2 lbs pargiot diced (or white cutlets if you prefer) Season with salt, pepper,...

    The Food and Drug Administration has cleared lab-grown meat, created from cultured animal cells, for human consumption. What is the OU’s take on this? Is it kosher? It’s still being reviewed and discussed; the technology is unique. Every company...