In a well-documented tale, Napolean once observed French Jews sitting on the floor of a synagogue, mourning their lost Temple. He was amazed at this historical consciousness which stretched back...
In a well-documented tale, Napolean once observed French Jews sitting on the floor of a synagogue, mourning their lost Temple. He was amazed at this historical consciousness which stretched back...
Q. I have almost finished learning a Masechta (volume of Talmud). May I slow down (i.e., learn other topics or in greater depth), so that I will be able to...
The following question came before Reb Shmuel Darzi. A young man whose parents were not frum bought him a brand-new car and gave it to him during the three weeks....
INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 4 (6-oz) salmon fillets, patted dry with paper towels Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 3 tbsp. butter 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 c. halved cherry tomatoes 2 c. baby spinach 1/2...
INGREDIENTS: 2 heads cauliflower florets 1 package @boursin garlic and fine herbs cheese Olive oil Salt and pepper 3/4 cup water DIRECTIONS: Move over feta pasta bake - this low carb boursin cheese cauliflower bake is so...
Many people are not properly familiar with the halachos of zecher l’churban which apply today even though the bais hamikdosh was destroyed thousands of years ago. The Shulchan Aruch says...
I. No Smell After Shabbos ends, we recite havdalah on wine, a special candle and spices for smelling, each item with its own blessing plus a blessing on separation itself marking...
One of the great Biblical acts of valor was the zealous execution of the Nasi Zimri and the Midianite Princess Kozbi by the courageous tzaddik, Pinchas. Although the Torah rarely...
IN SEARCH FOR A SUCCESSOR Miriam has died. So has Aaron. G-d tells Moses that his turn is about to come. “Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see...
Michael Jordan, a man associated with success in his field as much as anyone alive, famously said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career, I’ve lost almost 300...