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    During many eras in Jewish history, Jews converted to other religions, whether due to physical, financial or social pressure or otherwise. Many of these wayward Jews returned to the Jewish community, sometimes after escaping the country. While a Jew who...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups sugar 1 stick melted margarine. 1 cup vegan sour cream. 2 eggs Zest and juice of 1 lemon 3 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup soy milk 4 cups fresh blueberries CRUMB...

    Several years ago, on a trip to the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, my children and I joined a small tour. The guide who took us around patiently gave the background and offered fascinating insights into all that...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I have a problem. I’m dating a great woman. We are very compatible, she’s attractive, intelligent, and I really like her. Here’s the issue: Often, when she goes...

    This week, we read in the fourth chapter of Pirkei Avos an insightful teaching of Rabbi Elazar HaKappar. “Ha’kinah, v’hata’avah v’hakavod motzi’in es ha’adam min haolam, Jealousy, lust and the pursuit of honor remove a...

    The first two words of theparsha— Vayikach Korach [and Korach took] — are problematic. There is no indication whatsoever throughout the entireparshaof what exactly Korach took. It is a strange way to begin a story with an ambiguous action...

    Towards the end of the year, it is customary to express gratitude to the Rabbis and teachers who have devoted themselves tirelessly throughout the year to ensure the success of our children’s learning. This tradition involves giving them a...

    In the eighth bracha of the Shemone Esrei we say, “Refa’einu Hashem v’neirafei – Cure us Hashem and we will be cured.” This phrasing contrasts Hashem’s medicine and human medicine. Often times, the human healer will succeed at taking away...

    Throughout the ages, there have been different practices regarding keeping tzitzis tucked into pants or out. In addition, Chassidim wear their tzitzis garment over their shirt, while Ashkenazim wear it under the shirt. Sefardim do not keep their tzitzis out, while many...

    We read in Parshas Shelach about the episode of the meraglim, the scouts exploring Eretz Yisroel. A most difficult chapter in our nation’s history to comprehend. From the moment the Jewish nation left Egypt, their...