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    The July 21, 1969, landing on the moon was a monumental achievement for mankind, and the leading Torah scholars of the time were as impressed as everyone else in the world. They responded in a variety of ways. I....

    The Torah in Parashat Ki- Tavo makes it very clear that according to the Torah, happiness is a really big deal. This parashah is one of the two parashiyot in the Torah which contain a long...

    One of the Misvot presented in Parashat Ki-Teseh is the prohibition against plowing a field with both an ox and a donkey (22:10). In ancient times, plowing was done by harnessing the plow to an animal, and then...

    This week’s parsha, Ki Seitzei, opens with the pasuk, “Ki Seitzei la’milchama al oy’vecha, When you go out to war against your enemies...

    You can avoid compounding the pain of your loved ones when you are gone. Death is a highly uncomfortable and awkward subject. As a result, most people do all they can to avoid the subject altogether. While we would...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, My wife came from a frum household and prefers to cover her hair with a teichel, however she doesn’t cover all her hair and half of her...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons sesame oil 16 ounces sliced baby Bella mushrooms 2 tablespoons soy sauce or coconut amino 1 tablespoon silan 2 teaspoons sesame seeds One head cabbage, shredded Juice of one lemon 2 tablespoons white vinegar Salt to taste DIRECTIONS: Here’s...