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    Parashat Yitro tells of Ma’amar Har Sinai – Hashem’s revelation to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai, and the Aseret Ha’dibberot. Rashi, in his commentary to Shir Hashirim (4:5), makes a fascinating comment about the Aseret Ha’dibberot. He writes that...

    I. Anger Is Bad Anger is a destructive force. It does not just cloud judgment, which would imply reliance on instinct. Anger overwhelms judgment, taking you in directions to which your rational mind and your other, less powerful,...

    In particular, two miracles brought Yisro to convert. Rashi (18:1) writes that Yisro heard about kriyas Yam Suf and the war against Amalek, which inspired him to come. Several explanations are given for how milchemes Amalek was the catalyst for...

    INGREDIENTS: \1-2 heads cauliflower cut into small florets 1/3 c sweet chili sauce 1/3 c soy sauce 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 tsp garlic powder Juice of 1 lemon DIRECTIONS: I love cauliflower! What more is there to say -...