There is a well-known custom to recite L’Dovid Hashem Ori, the 27th chapter of Tehillim, from the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul until after Sukkos. What is the source of this custom? Why is there such a...
There is a well-known custom to recite L’Dovid Hashem Ori, the 27th chapter of Tehillim, from the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul until after Sukkos. What is the source of this custom? Why is there such a...
I. Which Charity? Many people in the Jewish community have achieved varieties of financial success, allowing them the privilege of supporting many charities. This raises questions of communal and philanthropic priorities. Others have limited charity funds but still want to allocate...
DIRECTIONS: SHAWARMA ROLL I had made Shawarma for dinner one night this week and had leftovers so rather than go to waste, decided to repurpose them into a Shawarma roll. This recipe only has...
Parashat Shoftim begins with a discussion of the judges who are to be appointed to preside over the nation’s legal disputes. The Torah commands the judges not to show favoritism. Rashi explains that this does not refer...
The verse says: “then the two men who have the grievance shall stand before Hashem, before the Kohanim, and the judges who will be in those days” [Devorim 19:17]. The expression “who will be in those days” immediately raises...
With Elul upon us, we acutely realize that a lot is at stake at this time of year. I’d like to share with you a few atrategies that I think you might find helpful to jumpstart the...
Reb Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky zt’l told the following mashal: A hungry lion once told a fox, “Give me your heart.” The wise fox knew that if he gave his heart, he would die, but if he didn’t, he would also...
The Torah commands in Parashat Shoftim (16:20), “Sedek Sedek Tirdof” – that we must “pursue” justice. The verse continues, “in order that you live and take possession of the land...
It’s that time of year. Time to stock up on school supplies and get the kids’ knapsacks ready. It’s not just the children who have knapsacks, but as adults we too have our bags...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I met the man of my dreams. Everything was going smoothly until we got engaged. Our parents met to divide financial responsibilities for the wedding. They agreed to...