07 Jul Petira of Sanzer Rebbe, Harav Naftali Halberstam ZT”L
Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, the Rebbe of Sanz in Borough Park, was nifar this past Shabbos night. He was 96, and likely the oldest Rebbe in the world. His mother was...
Rabbi Naftali Halberstam, the Rebbe of Sanz in Borough Park, was nifar this past Shabbos night. He was 96, and likely the oldest Rebbe in the world. His mother was...
IN SEARCH FOR A SUCCESSOR Miriam has died. So has Aaron. G-d tells Moses that his turn is about to come. “Go up this mountain in the Abarim range and see...
In Parshas Pinchas we read about the institution of semicha. Moshe Rabbeinu was instructed by H a k a d o s h Boruch Hu to place his hand on...
Moshe Rabbeinu proposed an elaborate test using incense to determine who was in the right in the quarrel of Korach and his followers. An interesting question is posed. Since the...
In Bamidbar 28:10 the posuk teaches us that every Shabbos had its Korban Olah. The Gemara in Sukka 41b asks why is the mitzvah of taking a lulav pushed off...
Greatness isn’t measured by the applause of the crowds. What happens when a major league baseball game is played in an empty stadium? No cheering for the home team, no screaming...
BEIN HAMETZARIM We have reached the Three Weeks, the days that we mourn the churban. As we mourn the churban, we shouldn’t forget to simultaneously aspire for Moshiach. The Gemara says, “When...
It seems everywhere we turn these days is anger and rage. Some are angry at those not wearing masks, others outraged mask-wearing is being legislated. There is anger provoked by...
May one eat a salad at non-kosher restaurants while on the road? Rav Belsky, zt”l ruled that one may absolutely not eat a salad at a non-kosher or vegan restaurant. Here...
Parashat Pinhas begins with G-d informing Moshe of the reward that He would grant to Pinhas for his act of zealotry during the incident of Ba’al Pe’or, when the nations...