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    After three seasons with little flu activity, the dreaded illness came back with a fury. In the last few weeks, almost every family I know has been hit by either the flu, Covid-19, RSV, or some combination of...

    Parashat Yitro is fa- mous for the story of Ma’amad Har Sinai – Hashem’s Revela- tion to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai, when He pronounced the Ten Commandments. This is not the first time when we find the number...

    Parashat Yitro tells the story of Ma’amad Har Sinai – Hashem’s revela- tion to Beneh Yisrael at Mount Sinai. We read that the people came to the mountain ויתיצבו ההר בתחתית” – and they stood underneath the mountain.” The...

    Laws about gun control serve as perpetual fuel for political debates. However, everyone agrees that some people should carry guns in some circumstances. Whether police officers or soldiers, on duty or prepared for duty, some people need to carry guns...

    The pasuk says, “Yisro, the minister of Midyan, the father-in- law of Moshe, heard all that G-d did to Moshe and to Israel, His people – that Hashem took Israel out of Egypt.” [Shemos 18:1] Rashi teaches: Yisro...

    Parshas Yisro. Parsha of the Jewish nation receiving the Aseres Hadibros. The commandments were inscribed on luchos – two tablets, with five commandments on each side. The right side was comprised of mitzvos bein adam...

    Tu B’Shevat, the 15th of Shevat, also known as Rosh HaShanah L’illanos, the New Year for Trees. While it may still be cold outside, with the winds blowing and the tree branches bare, life beneath...

    The pasuk in the beginning of the parsha says that when the Jewish people left Egypt, they were ‘chamushim’ [Shemos 13:18]. Rashi cites two interpretations of the word ‘chamushim’. There are in fact at least 3 seemingly disparate interpretations...

    I. Lower East Side Dispute The question has arisen numerous times whether a community may buy a church building to be used as a synagogue. In the 1850’s, such a question arose in a political battle over the oldest...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 Chicken Salt Pepper Garlic Powder Rosemary 1/4 Cup Balsamic Vinegar 3/4 Cup Fig Preserves 1/4 Cup Water DIRECTIONS: This amazing delicious chicken dish comes together in just a few minutes. 1 chicken cut in 1/8ths or 6 thighs and legs Season...