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    There is no space between parashas Vayigash and parashas Vayichi, which is why it is called a Parashah S’Tumah, a closed parashah. Rashi (47:28) writes, “Why is this parashah closed? Because when Yaakov Avinu was niftar, the eyes and hearts...

    Rabbi Haim Palachi (Turkey, 1788-1869), in his work Mo’ed Le’kol Hai (chapter 30), discusses a number of different laws and customs relevant to the month of Shevat. He begins by establishing that the theme of this month...

    POTSTICKERS INGREDIENTS: 1 lb ground chicken 1 bunch chopped scallions 1/3 cup hoisin sauce 1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp garlic 1 tsp ginger 1 tsp sesame oil 1 package wonton wrappers DIRECTIONS: I love asian flavors and always see all the non kosher...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I just spent Shabbos at my future in-laws, and I don’t know what to do. They are a wonderful family, sweet, and welcoming. The only problem? The food...

    Gambling is very widespread today. People go to casinos, and bet on horses and sporting events. They gamble at slot machines and play various card games. Until recently, gambling was not done on such a wide scale. However, it became legal in many...

    In illustrating both the importance of honoring our parents and the extent to which we must go to honor them, the Gemara tells a story that seems difficult to comprehend. It is so extreme that the choice it...