27 Oct Eating Some More
Adam responds to Hashem in Parshas Bereishis, Perek Gimmel, posuk yud bais that his wife was the one who gave him from the forbidden fruit and, “I will eat some...
Adam responds to Hashem in Parshas Bereishis, Perek Gimmel, posuk yud bais that his wife was the one who gave him from the forbidden fruit and, “I will eat some...
Chazal established Simchas Torah to be celebrated on Shemini Atzeres in Eretz Yisroel or the day after Shemini Atzeres in Chutz L’Aretz. Why isn’t Simchas Torah celebrated on Shavuos? Shavuous...
For every Yom Tov, it is very meaningful to know the specific reasons for each holiday. But when it comes to Succos, it is a Halachic requirement. As the Bais...
The Shulchan Aruch in siman taf reish yud bais, seif yud discusses the scenario regarding a sick person who ate on Yom Kippur. If the person is able to bentch,...
Honey Q: There is a long-established minhag (custom) on Rosh Hashana night to dip an apple in honey (Shulchan Aruch OC: 583:3). What is the source of this custom to eat an apple dipped in...
People arrange a minyan in their home to accommodate someone sick, elderly or otherwise unable to attend synagogue. When I was a teenager, we had a Shabbos mincha/ma’ariv in someone’s basement because the mile-plus...
The Gemara in Kiddushin, daf lamed gimmel, amud bais says that women are exempt regarding the mitzvah of tekiyas shofar since the mitzvah is a time bound mitzvah. The Shulchan...
Name: Benjamin Lee “Ben” McAdoo Date of birth:July 9, 1977 (age 39) Place of birth:Homer City, Pennsylvania 17th Head Coach of the New York Giants Signed for: 4 years What should New York Giant fans...
People arrange a minyan in their home to accommodate someone sick, elderly or otherwise unable to attend synagogue. When I was a teenager, we had a Shabbos mincha/ma’ariv in someone’s basement because the mile-plus...
Before Rosh HaShanah, there is a universal quest to ask Hashem for a better year. Better parnasa/livelihood, better nachas, better gezundt, better shalom bais/marital harmony. Better, better, better. Hashem responds,...