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    INGREDIENTS: 1 lb. ground beef 1 red bell pepper; seeded and chopped 1/2 onion; diced 1- 14oz. can pinto beans 1- 14oz. can kidney beans 1- 14oz. can black beans 1- 10oz can tomato puree 1- 10oz can...

    Graveside funerals, or visits, often generate crowds around a grave, forcing people to search for space to stand. Are you allowed to step on someone else’s grave for a service...

    The first Rebbe of Sadegur zt’l said, “…Of course this Shabbos is called Shabbos Shirah, a Shabbos of Song. There are so many miracles and wonderful things in this week’s...

    In Tehillim, Dovid HaMelech declares, “Mi chocham v’yishmar aleh v’yisboninu chasdei Hashem – Who is wise and observes these things and meditates on the kindness of Hashem?” The Hebrew letters...

    When Moshe and Aharon are instructed to instigate the plagues, Hashem tells them: ־לֶא†ךְֵלָּתְבַּצִנְו†הָמְיַּמַה†אֵצֹי†הֵּנִה†רֶקֹּבַּב†הֹעְרַּפ†רֹאְיַה†תַפְׂש־לַע†וֹתאָרְקִל†- Go down to Pharaoh in the morning. Behold, he goes out to the water; and you...

    In several places the Talmud records discussions and debates amongst the Tanoim regarding the inclusion of various seforim in the canon of the kisvei ha’kodesh. Before deciding which seforim to...

    In Parshas Beshalach we see the topic of eating seudas Shabbos. We learn about the order of events concerning how the mohn came down on Erev Shabbos for Shabbos. The...