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    It seems puzzling that the mention of the building of the inner mizbeach is not discussed when the other vessels of the Mishkan are mentioned in Parshas Terumah. The inner...

    The question arises if a person gets married the week of Purim or the week of Asara Beteves and the fast day falls out in middle of his or her...

    A casino visit can be a fun way to spend your leisure time and money but is it a kosher trip? There is more to discuss than just the greed...

    I. THE WEDDING Rav Moshe Isserles, commonly known as the Rema, was the rabbi of Cracow. A man who had lost his wife arranged for his daughter to be married,...

    Lying for the sake of Tzedaka The posuk in Shmos, Perek Chof gimmel, Posuk zayin says, “Midvar Sheker Tirchok.” The Gemara in Meseches Ksubos, daf yud zayin, amud alef teaches us...