01 Apr Coronavirus Part 4
Dear Readers! First and foremost, I hope that you are healthy, safe and well. Furthermore, I hope that Hashem has given you and your loved ones the ability to shelter...
Dear Readers! First and foremost, I hope that you are healthy, safe and well. Furthermore, I hope that Hashem has given you and your loved ones the ability to shelter...
There are rare and d r a m a t i c m o m e n t s in history in which it becomes clear to humanity that we...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been locked up in a very cramped apartment with my husband of only three...
Although we commonly refer to the holiday we now celebrate “Pesach,” this is not the name with which the Torah refers to it. Instead, the Torah calls this holiday “Hag...
Can you kasher your BBQ grill? It’s very difficult to kasher your BBQ grill. You need to make sure it’s perfectly clean. There can’t be any residue or grease and...
Pesach is all about talking. The Talmud tells us that matzah is called lechem oni, the bread of answering, since it is the bread upon which we declare many things....
As we contend with the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, we pray, we learn and we grow as Jews. In the past, people saw epidemics as divine punishment. However,...
A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd. —Max Lucado Not a Time for Silence 7.7 billion lives have changed over the last few weeks—all due...
INGREDIENTS: 1 large cauliflower, cut into 2-inch florets (about 8 cups) 1 medium onion, chopped 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves 2 Tbsp olive oil 3-4 cloves garlic, minced (about 2 tsp) kosher salt freshly ground black pepper thyme leaves, for...
INGREDIENTS: Five apples sliced - any variety- I like to mix Granny Smith and Macintosh 1 cup orange juice 5 eggs 1/4 cup oil 3/4 cup sugar Cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup matza meal DIRECTIONS: Apple kugel is a...