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    Towards the end of his life, the Imrei Emes zt’l said, “When I was young, there were many sections of the Torah and aspects of avodas Hashem that I planned to get to later in my life. But now...

    Rabbi Eytan Feiner currently serves as the full-time Rav of Congregation Kneseth Israel, more popularly known as The White Shul, in Far Rockaway, New York. The Rav lectures extensively throughout the New...

    “Success in Torah for the year is dependent upon these three days. Someone who’s a masmid during shloshes yemei hagbalah will have success in Torah study the entire year.” -...

    In last week’s article, we began an exploration of the connection between Megilas Rus and the yomtov of Shavuos. When we left off, we had just considered the famous dictum...