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    While most of the people I encounter this time of year are excited for Pesach, too many confuse eating Marror, bitter herbs on Pesach, with being bitter people about Pesach. Some complain about having to host family, others are...

    TOMATO, OLIVE AND CAPER SALAD INGREDIENTS: 1.5 lbs grape tomatoes, cut in half 1 6oz jar drained Kalamata olives 1 5.75oz jar drained green olives 2 tbsp capers2 tbsp olive oil 2 tsp white wine vinegar 1...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 cup warm water 11⁄2 Tbsp yeast 1⁄2 cup sugar 1⁄4 cup oil 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 4 cups bread flour 1⁄2 Tbsp salt The custom to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after...

    Noach’s teivah was large. It was 300 amos long, 50 amos wide, and 30 amos high. It needed to be large to contain all the animals. Nevertheless, the Ramban (Bereishis 6:19) says...