27 Oct Dating and Relationship Advice
In response to “flawed Flatbush” and “flooded in Flatbush” , I would like to share my story . I am a mother with 4 sons and 2 daughters. The boys...
In response to “flawed Flatbush” and “flooded in Flatbush” , I would like to share my story . I am a mother with 4 sons and 2 daughters. The boys...
The Rabbinical Alliance of America — Igud HaRabbonim, representing over 950 American rabbis — calls on all eligible members of the Jewish community to vote in the upcoming elections. Every...
Bereishis 12:7 says that Avraham built a mizbeach to Hashem. Rashi explains that he was saying thanks for the fact that he was told that he will have children and...
A Chassid related the following story: I once saw a Russian soldier being whipped. His crime? While standing watch on a winter night, his feet had frozen to his boots. “Had...
In this week’s parsha, we are introduced to the father of the Jewish people Avraham Avinu. Since he is our founder, it is understandable that we can derive many fundamentals...
I spoke to several rabbinic colleagues across the country this week who have all noticed a similar phenomenon. Despite shuls having re-opened in safe and cautious ways, only a fraction...
Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (d. 1973) was the leading halachic decisor in America of his day. He was the address for the most difficult halachic problems. Additionally, as the President...
The Midrash (Bereishis Rabba 39) gives the following mashal: “A traveler saw a mansion on fire. He said, ‘Could it be that this home doesn’t have an owner?’ The owner...
The Torah in Parashat Lech-Lecha tells the story of Abraham Abinu’s sojourn in Egypt, where he was forced to relocate due to a famine which struck the land of Canaan....