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    There is talk in the U.S. about taxing the wealth of the superrich. Without engaging in d i s c u s s i o n about proper policy today, I would like to explore the concept of a...

    When the Founding Fathers included the pursuit of happiness as an American right and entitlement, it is almost as if they conceded that happiness can be pursued, but it is unlikely to ever be attained. If you look around,...

    The Gemara teaches that Hanukah was established as a time of הלל והודאה” – praise a n d thanksgiving.” What exactly is the difference between הלל and הודאה ?And why is specifically Hanukah a time for both...

    The Chochmas Shlomo teaches that if someone in jail is given the choice of either lighting the Chanukah candles in prison or to leave the jail for a day to say Hallel, he should...

    The Midrash (cited by Rashi to Bereshit 37:3) tells us that before Yosef was sold as a slave by his brothers at the age of 17, he learned Torah from his father, Yaakob. Specifically, the Midrash writes,...

    The gemara (Shabbos 21b) tells us that the proper place to put the Chanukah lights is in front of one’s home, so that all the passers-by will notice the lights, and thereby the greatest possible pirsumei nisa will...

    As we get ready for the very sweet festival of Chanukah, it behooves us to brush-up on its spiritual messages. In this way, we can ensure that it doesn’t become a mere season of gastronomic delight such as latkas and...

    INDIAN WEATHER PREDICTION It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new chief if the winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was an Indian Chief in a modern society, he had never...