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    My affinity for basketball began at a really young age, and has played, at the very least, a small role throughout the different stages of my life. From its central...

    In Shemos 10:22 Moshe tilted his hand toward the heaven and darkness descended all over Mitzrayim and one was able to feel the darkness. Rashi explains the reason Hashem made...

    What’s the status of a pareve soup cooked in a pareve bowl in a Fleishig microwave? It’s still pareve but can not be eaten together with milk. For example, if someone...

    Being that the Super Bowl is this Sunday, I would like to weigh-in with some thoughts. At the outset, I would like to make a very un-American confession: I really...

    The parsha tells us (Shemos 12:38) that when Bnai Yisroel left Mitzrayim a tremendous group of converts left with them. The Midrash explains that this was Moshe Rabbeinu’s original idea;...

    Just when you thought our society could not get more morally depraved, on January 12th, the annual No Pants Subway Ride took place in cities across twenty-five countries around the...

    Before Benei Yisrael left Egypt, God tells Moshe, “Please speak to the nation that they should each borrow from his fellow…silver and gold utensils” (Shemot 11:2). Moshe is to instruct...

    Parshat Bo chronicles the dramatic redemption of the Jewish people from a two hundred-year nightmare of backbreaking slavery and oppression. The great “night of redemption” is punctuated by celebratory rituals...