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    In the first chapter of Shemos, we learn about Pharaoh commanding the Jewish midwives, Shifra and Puah, to kill all newborn Hebrew boys — and that they disobeyed the King’s orders. Chazal [Our Sages] teach that not only did...

    I. Artificial Intelligence and School Work Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made great progress over recent years. Within the past few months, one company released two products online for the public to use. Dall-E creates graphic images based on a user’s natural...

    When Moshe saw the unusual spectacle of a bush that was on fire but was not being consumed, he went to- wards it, realizing that this was something special. But Hashem spoke to him and said, הלום...

    Moshe Faced Two Enemies: One He Could Handle; the Other Eluded Him The War Is Over? A man in Germany felt that he needed to confess, so he went to his priest. “Forgive me Father, for I have...

    Recently, the wonderful Jewish community of Staten Island was hit by two terrible tragedies. First, the passing of a very young Mrs. Miriam Winiarz, zlzy”a, who left her wonderful children orphaned from both their father and their mother. Then, secondly, less...

    The Mishnah in Pirkei Avos states “anyone who honors the torah will be honorable in the eyes of the world, and if one does not honor the torah, he will be disgraceful in the eyes of the world.” A...

    One December, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l, asked his students what their New Year’s Resolutions were. The students were shocked: “Rebbe, this isn’t the Jewish new year!” He responded, “The entire country is using this as a time for self- reflection...

    There are two parshios in the Torah entitled with the word ‘chaim’ and both talk about death: Chayei Sorah – about the passing of Sorah Imeinu, Rabbi Moshe and Vayechi, which the...