The Siduro shel Shabbos (vol.1 1:4) tells about the many miracles that Eliezer saw Rivkah perform. One miracle was that when she came to draw water from the well, the water came up to her,...
The Siduro shel Shabbos (vol.1 1:4) tells about the many miracles that Eliezer saw Rivkah perform. One miracle was that when she came to draw water from the well, the water came up to her,...
Q: Is Turkey Kosher? - I have heard that there are some Jews who do not consider turkey kosher. Can you tell me the reason for this? As far as I know, turkey with kosher certification is...
Parashat Hayeh-Sara tells the famous story of Eliezer, Abraham Abinu’s servant, whom Abraham sent to Aram Naharayim to find a girl for Yitzhak. Eliezer’s mission was successful, as he brought Ribka, a righteous granddaughter of Abraham’s brother, to...
Boxer Mike Tyson, “Iron” Mike, attempted a comeback. At 58, he went back into the ring to fight a decades-younger Jack Paul. In a pre-fight conversation, Tyson was asked by a teenage interviewer, “What...
Churchill Sleeping They tell this story about Winston Churchill. As Savior of the free world he felt himself entitled to grab a little shuteye (“schlof”, or nap) in the House of Commons. When a fellow Parliament member approached him...
CRANBERRY CAKE INGREDIENTS: 3 large eggs 2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) margarine softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon almond extract 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 1/2 cups fresh or...
Several years ago, our community was privi- leged to host Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, zt”l. Before he addressed the over 1,000 people in at- tendance at BRS, I spon- taneously asked him if I could record a short...
The law in Sedom strictly prohibited immigrants from entering the country. This was the most severe law, rigorously enforced with harsh punishments for those who violated it. Not only were immigrants punished for entering Sedom, but those who aided or colluded...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, My parents don’t understand me. I understand many teenagers or young adults say that, but in my case it is true and is having serious repercussions on...
Much has been dis- cussed over the years regarding Thanksgiv- ing dinner. We will discuss whether such a party is allowed, and if turkey may be served. The underlying point of the debate is whether Thanksgiving is con- sidered a...