27 Nov Celebrity Selfies on Shabbos
I. Celebrity Selfies One Motza’ei Shabbos two years ago, Jewish social media buzzed when a famous non-Jewish comedian posted a selfie with Jewish students walking in Manhattan, with a note that...
I. Celebrity Selfies One Motza’ei Shabbos two years ago, Jewish social media buzzed when a famous non-Jewish comedian posted a selfie with Jewish students walking in Manhattan, with a note that...
FAST FACTS: Name: Ira Jablonsky Title: Commanding Officer of Brooklyn South Community Affairs Precinct: Patrol Borough Brooklyn South which encompasses all 13 precincts of Brooklyn South. Years as a cop: Currently in 18th...
An estimated fifty thousand people came to Chevron for Shabbos last week, in honor of Parshas Chaya Sarah. They came from all areas of Eretz Yisroel and from all around...
Can one buy plain coffee or tea in a treif store (i.e. bodega, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, etc.)? I don’t think you should buy coffee in a non-certified establishment because even if...
All of us aspire to acquire somewhat the Keser Torah, the crown of Torah. We must know that Torah is vastly different than any other branch of knowledge. If you...
In Bereishis (27:6) the posuk tells us that Yitzchak asked Eisav to go find an animal so he could give Eisav a bracha. This story leads to a few questions...
My Fellow… Martin Lewis converts and becomes a priest. He gives his first Mass in front of a number of high ranking priests who came for the occasion. At the end of...
The Torah tells us that a kosher animal is one which has split hooves and chews its cud; pigs have split hooves, but because they do not chew their cud,...
INGREDIENTS: 4 tablespoons margarine 2 medium yellow onions, chopped 1 tablespoon curry powder, plus a bit more for serving 1 pound carrots, peeled and chopped into 1-inch pieces 2-3 sweet potatoes peeled and chopped into 1-inch...
The opening verse of Parashat Toledot introduces the story of Yishak Abinu and his family, and writes, “This is the story of Yishak; Abraham begot Yishak.” Curiously, the Torah found...