Parashas Tazria discusses the laws of childbirth. These laws follow parashas Shmini, which discusses the laws of kashrus. The Ramban explains that this juxtaposition, (of kashrus and childbirth,) hints that...
Parashas Tazria discusses the laws of childbirth. These laws follow parashas Shmini, which discusses the laws of kashrus. The Ramban explains that this juxtaposition, (of kashrus and childbirth,) hints that...
I. Holy Profits People are motivated to do good for many reasons, among them — but hopefully not primary — is the promise of divine reward. Can that reward be sold...
In Vayikra 12:3 the posuk tells us that on the 8th day one should have a Bris. Would a Mohel be allowed to walk out of the tchum in order...
In life, before we move forward, we must take inventory. It is true in the business world just as it is true in many areas of life. Without examining and...
Is a Jew Allowed to Eat Synthetic Meat & Then Drink a Dairy Coffee publicly? Right now, we haven’t even finished determining the status of synthetic meat because the technology...
Rabbi Dr. Zecharia H. Senter zt”l, CEO and founder of Kof-K Kosher Supervision Services, was niftar the last day of Pesach at the age of 84. Rabbi Senter zt”l was...
In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because...
As we engage in the seasonal mitzvah of counting the sefira, and observe the national period of mourning for the tragic deaths of the 24,000 disciples of Rabbi Akiva, we...
The Gemorah in Berochos states, “when the month of Nissin is upon us, one goes out to recite a beracha on a tree that is starting to bud.” The Shita...