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    The posuk in this week’s Parsha teaches us that we should be a “tamim” (accepting) when it comes to Hashem. The Rambam does not count this as one of the six hundred and thirteen mitzvos. The Ramban and Rabbeinu Yona do count...

    This past week, I gave my annual Q & A lecture for Irgun Shiurei Torah at the Bostoner shul in Flatbush. One of the questions was: Rabbi Weiss, many people I know...

    Do women have to say kiddush in shul after Shabbos morning services? For a variety of reasons, often people do not hear the rabbi saying Kiddush in shul. Since they...

    On August 21, 2017, parts of North America will experience a total solar eclipse for the first time in decades. Many enthusiasts are traveling to locations where they can experience the rare...

    The posuk in this week’s Parsha teaches us that one should not be poor, as it says, “Efes… bicha evyon.” The Gemara in Shabbos daf kuf nun alef, amud bais says that...

    One of the most important prayers that we say daily is Aleinu.  It is so prestigious that we say it while standing.  Its authorship is shared.  The first paragraph was...

    Let me ask you a philosophical question. What is the hardest mitzvah in the Torah? The most difficult and challenging to fulfill?  The Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer says that the hardest...

    In many Orthodox synagogues, women's sections are poorly maintained. Whether it's the lighting, the cleanliness, the availability of siddurim and tissues, air conditioning, or any other number of small and...

    The posuk in this week’s Parsha teaches us in that one should teach the Torah to his children. An interesting question may be asked in connection to this. If someone...

    Every year, synagogues, schools and organizations honor people for their contributions and accomplishments. Is it appropriate to honor women or does this violate the norms of modesty? Of course, practice...