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    During this pandemic we are experiencing a very i n t e r e s t i n g challenge in avodas Hashem, the proper serving of the Almighty. Throughout...

    INGREDIENTS: Chocolate Iced Cake Yellow, Red, & Orange hard candy Rolled wafer cookies   As we won’t be having any lag B’Omer gatherings with bon res and activities this year - make this adorable camp...

    In Vayikra 19:3 the Torah tells us one has to fear his mother and father. The Gemara Yevamos 5b says one might think that Kibbud Av and Kibbud Eim is...

    Dishwashing Detergent Do dishwashing detergents require kosher supervision? It is generally assumed that dishwashing detergents are not edible entities, and halachically they do not have a non-kosher status, even if they...

    Last week, I proposed keeping a Corona Era diary or log. One of the reasons I suggested this is because it can make us more acutely aware of utilizing the...

    LISTENING TO MUSIC DURING SEFIRA (OR OTHER PERIODS OF MOURNING) TO MAINTAIN MENTAL A HEALTHY STATE OF MIND (2020)  In each of the three stages of mourning, Halacha mandates decreasing levels...