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    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thanks for your column, I read it every week. Maybe you can help me with a problem that I’m having. Since I came home from Yeshiva, I have...

    INGREDIENTS: 1/4 cup olive oil 3 yellow onions, thinly sliced 2 tsp crushed garlic cloves 1 tbsp fresh thyme 1/2 cup dry white wine 2 tbsp all purpose flour 2 cups beef broth (or vegetable broth) I use...

    Many people are not familiar with the halachos of shaimos. The problem with the volume of shaimos, only developed fairly recently with the advent of cheap, commonly utilized printing methods. After reviewing these halachos one will have a clear understanding of...

    When Jews are drafted into inhospitable armies in the diaspora, they are required to work on Shabbos and eat non- kosher food or face severe punishment. Effectively, they are coerced to violate Torah prohibitions. Historically, this raised many questions as...

    One of the mitzvot that apply on Purim ismatanot l’evyonim – the requirement to give charitable gifts to the poor. This obligation differs from the standard mitzva of tzedakah, in several ways. First, even a poor person who himself...

    Double Entendre in the Word “Hoda’ah” Among the Korbanos mentioned in this week’s parsha is the Korban Todah. The Medrash says that in the future all the Korbanos will be nullified except the Korban Todah — because there is always...

    The world over, Jews will soon be wrapped- up in the annual search for chometz. Most of us are also aware that this is not simply s p r i n g - c l e...

    In Krakow, there was a Jew known as “the Krakover Shikur.” He loved Chodesh Adar, and he would get drunk every day of Adar. He explained that Haman the rasha wanted to kill all the Yidden in one day....