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    Shabbos Together with observing the laws of Shabbos, it’s important to tap into the joy and the spirituality of Shabbos. Those who experience the joy of Shabbos, enjoy a taste of...

    Is one allowed to eat meat after milk? What is the halacha if one makes Kiddush and eats dairy foods, planning to later eat a meat Seudas Yom Tov? What if...

    As we make final preparations for Shavuos, including a fervent desire to come away from the yom Tov with a renewed commitment to the “learning” of Torah, we need to...

    The question of having limited supply of liquid and how to allocate it to dehydrating people should be purely theoretical in 2022, and yet the country is currently suffering a...

    Parashat Behukotai is famous for the “blessings” and “curses,” the description of the great rewards promised to Beneh Yisrael for obeying G-d’s commands, and the punishments the Torah warns would...

    The Mishnah in Pirkeh Avot (4:22) teaches: - ךרצי†ךחיטבי†לא - סונמ†תיב†לואשהש - ךחרכ†לעש†¨ךל - לעו†רצונ†התא - יח†התא†ךחרכ¨ התא†≠†ךחרכ†לעו†¨†תמ†≠†התא†ךחרכ†לעו יכלמ†ךלמ†≠†ינפל†ןובשחו†ןיד†≠†ןתיל†דיתע . אוה†≠†ךורב†שודקה†≠†םיכלמה Do not let your evil inclination assure you that the afterlife is your escape. For against your will...

    Dreams are a common part of daily life to which the Talmudic Sages attribute great importance. However, on a more careful look, we find conflicting thoughts about dreams in the...

    It’s Pirkei Avos season. On the long Shabbos afternoons of spring and summer, we open the Book of Ethics, ready to learn its Torah values. While each chapter imparts different life...