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    Ingredients: 1 cup dried chickpeas 1/2 large onion, roughly chopped (about 1 cup) 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon salt 1/2-1 teaspoon dried hot red pepper 4 cloves of...

    The Gemora teaches us, “Im ein daas, havdala minayin – Without knowledge, how does one differentiate?”  This is the reason why on Motzoi Shabbos we say the havdala the insertion...

    I. Self-Interest and Capitalism The theoretical basis for Capitalism is self-interest, another term for greed. Those who devalue greed, who view the accumulation of wealth as a vice, necessarily see Capitalism...

    Yosef’s brothers did not recognize Yosef when they stood before him because when he was sold into slavery he had not yet grown a beard. The Sforno asks, “Why didn’t...

    What is Chanukah?, famously asks the Talmud (Shabbos 21b). What led the Sages to establish this holiday? The response has led to many essays attempting to understand what seems to...

    Everybody is aware of the Bais Yosef’s question on Chanukah concerning the amount of days of celebration. We light the Menorah on Chanukah as a result of the miracle of...

    INGREDIENTS: FOR THE BRISKET: 2-3 lb. Brisket 1 Tbsp. Salt ó Tbsp. Black Pepper 2 Tsp. Garlic Powder 2 Tsp. Onion Powder 1 Tsp. Dried Parsley 3-4 Tbsp. Olive Oil 1 Can Beer 1 Can Ginger Ale 1 Bottle Red Wine 4...