I. KOSHER PIG The news recently carried a report that Rav Yuval Cherlow said that cloned pigs are kosher. This is clearly wrong. A cloned pig is implanted as an embryo...
I. KOSHER PIG The news recently carried a report that Rav Yuval Cherlow said that cloned pigs are kosher. This is clearly wrong. A cloned pig is implanted as an embryo...
The Passuk in Vayikra perek yud alef passuk mem bais says that anything that slithers like a snake “Lo sachileim” (do not feed them) as they are disgusting. The Gemara in...
My dear Rebbetzin was a bas zekunim, a daughter born in old age. My father in-law, at her birth, was 59 years old so she was viewed as a last...
The custom to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is a long-standing one. “The Shabbat after Pesach when we announce the coming of Iyar some…have the custom to...
N.Y. METS RIGHT FIELDER JAY BRUUUUCE By Ari Hirsch Last August the Mets traded Jay Bruce to the Indians, and he helped them win a division title and a gain playoff...
I. DIVINE PRESENCE The Bible and Talmud refer frequently to the Shechinah, God’s presence, without explaining the term. This leaves students relying on their intuition. When informed by years of study,...
Bnei Yisroel were redeemed from Mitzrayim on Pesach. The Ramban, in his psicha for Chumash Shemos, says that galus will not end until Bnei Yisroel return to their place and...
I make this quiche year round, and for pesach I just do it without the pie shell. Mushrooms go so well with goat cheesethey both have that real earthy flavor. If you...
My rebbetzin was born on an Erev Shabbos, Friday, June 28th, 1963 on the 6th of Tammuz 5723 Amazingly, her two sister Hindie and Briendy, and her Mother , Devorah,...
Born: December 2, 1992 (age 25) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Height: 6’ 2” Weight: 230 lb. Nickname: The Kraken John Sterling Home Run Call: GARY IS SCARY Salary: $620,400 in 2018 Boyhood idol? A: Manny Ramirez...