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    In Bereishis, Perek Chof Heh, posuk chof it says that Yitzchok was forty years old when he married Rivkah. In posuk chof vov it says that Yitzchok was sixty when...

    INGREDIENTS: 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 3 tablespoons drained capers 1 tsp dried oregano 1 tablespoon honey 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs (about 3 lb.), skin removed 3/4 teaspoon...

    Name: Naomi Levin Lives: Upper West Side on West End Ave. In the upper 80’s. Party Affiliation: Running on 3 party lines: Republican, Conservative and Reform. Opponent: Jerry Nadler District: The 10th Congressional district,...

    After a gut-wrenching week of tears and grief Shabbat finally approaches. It is difficult to imagine the sorrow and agony flooding the hearts of the Jewish community of Pittsburgh and...

    In Bereishis, Perek Chof Gimmel, posuk alef it says that Sarah lived one hundred years and twenty years and seven years. Subsequently, the posuk summarizes and says, “Shnei chayei Sarah.”...

    A charitable pledge constitutes a vow that must be fulfilled. However, like many vows, it can be nullified if proper regret is presented to a religious court, if it is...

    We know that there is no extra letter in the Torah. Everything is said for multiple reasons so when there is a glaring repetition, the commentators scramble to explain it....

    Chicken Marbella is one of my favorite chicken dishes – the original recipe has a lot of sugar and a million ingredients and steps. This is a lightened up version that still packs the...