A relative of Reb Eisik Shor of Slabodka zt'l broke her foot, and she was home-ridden for a very long time until it cured. Being home so long was hard for her, and Reb Eizik visited her and tried...
A relative of Reb Eisik Shor of Slabodka zt'l broke her foot, and she was home-ridden for a very long time until it cured. Being home so long was hard for her, and Reb Eizik visited her and tried...
We live in the age of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. A world where through social media we are exposed to the power of influencers, ordinary people who build up...
K2, at 8,611 meters above sea level (28,251 feet), is the second-highest mountain on Earth, after Mount Everest. The mountain has a fatality rate of 29 percent. K2 had never...
The Be’er Heitiv in Orach Chayim [132:3] teaches us that we should say the Aleinu prayer with awe and reverence since Hashem and His Heavenly retinue listen to its recital...
INGREDIENTS: 11 ounces dark beer 3 tablespoons sesame seed oil 5 large cloves of garlic minced 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 3-4 pounds chicken cutlets – white or...
Our Sages tell us that Korach was one of the wealthiest members of the nation. In fact, the Gemara states that Korach had 300 mules carrying just the keys to his treasuries. Yet, despite his wealth, he...
The pasuk [verse] says, “And Hashem said to Moshe: ‘Bring back the staff of Aharon before the Testimony as a safekeeping, as a sign for rebellious ones; let their complaints cease from Me that they not die'” [Bamidbar 17:25]...
Someone told the Sfas Emes zt'l that he has a lot of debt. The Sfas Emes told him, "Pay your debts to Hashem, and you will be able to pay back your debts to your fellow man." "Are you...
The Torah, in describing Korach's revolt against the authority of Moshe, states that Korach argued that "the entire nation is equally holy", i.e. they were all present at Mt. Sinai and all received the same Torah directly from...
All-Blue. The weekly Torah portion of Korach relates the story of a man by the name of Korach who debates Moses and ultimately leads a mutiny against the greatest Jewish leader. "The entire community is holy, and Hashem is within...