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    In Parshas Pinchas, the Torah records prominent families of the Bnei Yisroel. There, it states, “V’sheim bas Asher Serach – And the name of the daughter of Asher was Serach.”...

    The three-week period from Shiba Assar Be’Tammuz through Tisha B’Ab, which we are currently observing, is commonly known as the period of “Ben Ha’mesarim” (literally, “in between the barriers”). The...

    Most people feel “stuck” in some aspect of their lives. Some feel stuck in a job they don’t like, or which does not pay a high enough salary. Some feel...

    The laws of vows are discussed in the beginning of this week’s parashah, and it says, “One shouldn’t make his words insignificant. Whatever he promises, he should keep” (30:3). Rebbe...

    In a well-documented tale, Napolean once observed French Jews sitting on the floor of a synagogue, mourning their lost Temple. He was amazed at this historical consciousness which stretched back...