Dealing with the Tension of the Human Personality Linking the apron and the breastplate There is an intriguing mitzvah (commandment) recorded in this week’s Torah portion: “And they shall bind the choshen...
Dealing with the Tension of the Human Personality Linking the apron and the breastplate There is an intriguing mitzvah (commandment) recorded in this week’s Torah portion: “And they shall bind the choshen...
Despite what you may have been told as a child, sharing is not always caring. We are living in a transparent generation where the trend is towards sharing in the extreme....
Cast iron cookware: Does it really need a hechsher? Absolutely!: If it’s pure cast iron and it doesn’t have anything else on the pots or pans, then it doesn’t need a hechsher. But this...
Being that the Super Bowl is this Sunday, I would like to weigh-in with some thoughts. At the outset, I would like to make a very un-American confession: I really...
Several times a year I visit Eretz Yisroel. When I take a night flight I notice that many men sleep for five to six hours, and then recite Shema and...
One of the intriguing features of Parashat Tesaveh is the fact noted by our Sages that Moshe’s name appears nowhere in the Parasha – making this the first Parasha since...
The Midrash tells a fable of a bird that built a nest on the seashore, and then a wave came and destroyed it. The bird was furious. It decided to...
I. Hashem Has No Needs On first thought, it seems outrageous to suggest that Hashem would need us. In order to need something you have to lack something. If Hashem needs...
Parshas Tetzaveh begins with the mitzvah of kindling the Menorah. There is a famous Medrash which teaches: “The Almighty states ‘It is not that I need their light for illumination. I...
It was summertime. My parents were upstate lecturing in the Pine View Hotel. I was taking courses in Brooklyn College, and being that my siblings were in sleepaway camp, I had the house to myself. On...