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    Hashem’s Visit Rebbe Bunim of Pshischa zt’l told the following parable: Someone’s home was very dirty, and although he tried to clean it many times, he was never successful. So he thought of a plan. He invited the king to visit his home, and the...

    The Mishna in Maseches Yoma (1:5) says that in preparation for the Yom Kippur Service, the elders of the Beis Din transferred the Kohen Gado lto the elders of the Kohanim, who brought him to the attic of...

    Many of us find Teshuba to be a difficult, grueling process. We often feel too intimidated to even begin thinking about Teshuba and changing who we are. And yet, ironically enough, the Torah indicates that Teshuba is...

    The story is told that Rav Levi Yitzhak of Berditchev once summoned all of the Jews to assemble in the town square the next day because he had an announcement of the greatest importance to make. He ordered...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Help. I’m not sure what to do. I’m a newly married guy and just spent Yom Tov with my in-laws. All in all things went pretty well....

    ONE PAN, HONEY, LEMON, CHICKEN, AND POTATOES INGREDIENTS: 6 chicken thighs 6 chicken legs 1/3 cup olive oil Juice of 1 lemon 3 tsp honey 1 tsp each garlic, paprika, salt and pepper DIRECTIONS: Whisk marinade together and pour over chicken....

    My mother, the Rebbetzin a”h, would often lead Hineni tours to Israel. Instead of doing the typical tourist sightseeing, Hineni tours had a mission. A mission of prayer and spiritual growth. The itinerary was...

    I. Asking for Forgiveness In recent years, there has been much discussion about what constitutes a sufficient apology. Sometimes people apologize under pressure and do not really admit to having done anything wrong. Even genuine apologies face careful scrutiny under constantly...