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    Summer is the best time for delicious farm fresh produce. Take advantage and buy fresh from the farm ingredients – they will enhance your meals.   INGREDIENTS: For the Salad 1 1/2 pounds fresh green beans, trimmed...

    Praise of Eretz Yisroel’s greatness is seen many times in the Torah. We will discuss how this greatness impacts halacha. Chazal tell us that Eretz Yisroel is in the middle of the world. We know that the world...

    DON’T BE AN IDIOT One of the definitions that Chazal give us for wisdom is “Eizahu chacham? Haroeh es hanolad – Who is wise? He who is able to anticipate the...

    Over the past few years we have witnessed a disturbing questioning of the validity of long-standing conversions to Judaism. This is a very sensitive topic because many converts — nearly...

    What’s more delicious than chocolate and peanut butter – think Reese’s peanut butter cups but in a yummy cake. This will definitely become a favorite that you will make over and over...

    After Jews were formally expelled from Christian countries, those who remained had to convert to Christianity and maintain their Jewish identities at the risk of their lives. Many attempted to...

    No human being who ever lived deserved entry into the land of Israel more than Moshe. He had stoked the redemptive imagination of a band of dispirited slaves portraying a...